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NHM in State



State Program Implementation Plans (PIPs)

To support the activities for effective and time bound examination of NHM Program Implementation Plans (PIPs) of the States and Union Territories & facilitate their approval by the National Program Coordination Committee (NPCC).

‣ The State PIPs spell out the strategies to be deployed, budgetary requirements and health outcomes aimed for.

‣ The State’s PIP is made by the Executive Committee (EC) of the State Health Society and approved by the State Government/ Governing Board. The EC of the State Health Society implements the approved plan, with governance and oversight exercised by the Governing Board and the State Health Mission.

‣ The State PIP is appraised by the National Programme Coordination Committee (NPCC), chaired by the Mission Director with representatives of MOHFW and the states participating. National technical assistance and support agencies providing support to the respective states would provide their inputs to the Mission Directorate and the NPCC. These plans would also be shared with other departments- AYUSH, AIDS Control and Health Research- as well as those dealing with Drinking Water and Sanitation, School Education and the Women and Child Department, for their inputs. Secretary, HFW who is also the Chairperson of EPC approves NPPC recommendations.

High Focus - Non NE
Bihar Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Odisha
Himachal Pradesh Rajasthan Jammu & Kashmir Uttar Pradesh
Jharkhand Uttarakhand    
Non High Focus - Large
Andhra pradesh Kerala Goa Maharashtra
Gujarat Punjab Haryana Tamil Nadu
Telangana Karnataka West bengal  
High Focus - NE
Arunachal Pradesh Manipur Assam Nagaland
Meghalaya Tripura Mizoram Sikkim
Non High Focus - Small & UT
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Delhi Chandigarh Lakshadweep
Daman & Diu Puducherry Andaman & Nicobar Islands  

‣ The State PIPs spell out the strategies to be deployed, budgetary requirements and health outcomes aimed for.

‣ The State’s PIP is made by the Executive Committee (EC) of the State Health Society and approved by the State Government/ Governing Board. The EC of the State Health Society implements the approved plan, with governance and oversight exercised by the Governing Board and the State Health Mission.

‣ The State PIP is appraised by the National Programme Coordination Committee (NPCC), chaired by the Mission Director with representatives of MOHFW and the states participating. National technical assistance and support agencies providing support to the respective states would provide their inputs to the Mission Directorate and the NPCC. These plans would also be shared with other departments- AYUSH, AIDS Control and Health Research- as well as those dealing with Drinking Water and Sanitation, School Education and the Women and Child Department, for their inputs. Secretary, HFW who is also the Chairperson of EPC approves NPPC recommendations.

High Focus - Non NE
Bihar Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Odisha
Himachal Pradesh Rajasthan Jammu & Kashmir Uttar Pradesh
Jharkhand Uttarakhand    
Non High Focus - Large
Andhra pradesh Kerala Goa Maharashtra
Gujarat Punjab Haryana Tamil Nadu
Telangana Karnataka West bengal  
High Focus - NE
Arunachal Pradesh Manipur Assam Nagaland
Meghalaya Tripura Mizoram Sikkim
Non High Focus - Small & UT
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Delhi Chandigarh Lakshadweep
Daman & Diu Puducherry Andaman & Nicobar Islands