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Anaemia Mukt Bharat


Anaemia is a significant public health challenge in India. Iron deficiency anaemia results in impaired cognitive and motor development in children and decreased work capacity in adults. The effects are most severe in infancy and early childhood. In pregnancy, iron deficiency anaemia can lead to perinatal loss, prematurity and low birth weight (LBW) babies. Anemia Mukt Bharat strategy is implemented to reduce anaemia among six beneficiaries age group - children (6-59 months), children (5-9 years), adolescents (10-19 years), pregnant and lactating women and in women of reproductive age group (15-49 years) in life cycle approach through implementation of six interventions via robust institutional mechanism.


The six interventions under Anemia Mukt Bharat strategy are as follows:

i) Prophylactic Iron Folic Acid Supplementation

Age group

Dose and Regime for IFA supplementation

6 – 59 months of age

  • Biweekly, 1 ml Iron and Folic Acid syrup
  • Each ml of Iron and Folic Acid syrup containing 20 mg elemental Iron + 100 mcg of Folic Acid
  • Bottle (50ml) to have an ‘auto-dispenser’ and information leaflet as per MoHFW guidelines in the mono-carton

5- 10 years children

  • Weekly, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet
  • Each tablet containing 45 mg elemental Iron + 400 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated, pink color

School going adolescent girls and boys, 10-19 years of age and Out of school adolescent girls 10-19 years age

  • Weekly, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet
  • Each tablet containing 60 mg elemental iron + 500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated, blue color

Women of reproductive age (non-pregnant, non-lactating) 20-49 years

  • Weekly, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet
  • Each tablet containing 60 mg elemental Iron + 500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated, red color
  • All women in the reproductive age group in the pre-conception period and upto the first trimester of the pregnancy are advised to have 400 mcg of Folic Acid tablets, daily

Pregnant women and lactating mothers (0-6 months child)

  • Daily, 1 Iron and Folic Acid tablet starting from the fourth month of pregnancy (that is from the second trimester), continued throughout pregnancy (minimum 180 days during pregnancy) and to be continued for 180 days, post-partum
  • Each tablet containing 60 mg elemental Iron + 500 mcg Folic Acid, sugar-coated, red color

ii) Periodic deworming

  • MoHFW is implementing National Deworming Day (NDD) programme under which biannual mass deworming for children and adolescents in age group 1-19 years is carried on designated dates – 10th February and 10thAugust every year.
  • Pregnant women are provided services under the strategy through antenatal care contacts (ANC clinics/ VHND) for deworming (in the second trimester).

iii) Intensified year-round Behavior Change Communication Campaign for a0 compliance to IFA and deworming; b) Appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) with emphasis on adequate and age-appropriate complementary foods for children 6 months and above; c) Increase intake of iron-rich, protein-rich and vitamin C-rich foods; dietary diversification; food fortification; d) Promoting practice of delayed cord clamping.

iv) Testing and Treatment of anemia using digital methods (Digital Invasive Haemoglobinometer) in field settings, Sub Health Centres, Health and Wellness Centres; and Semi-auto analyzer in health facilities PHC and above; and point of care treatment. Anemia Management protocols to be followed are mentioned in Operational Guidelines for Anemia Mukt Bharat

v) Mandatory provision of Iron and Folic Acid fortified foods in government-funded health programmes.

vi) Intensifying awareness, screening and treatment of non-nutritional causes of anaemia in endemic pockets, with special focus on malaria, haemoglobinopathies and fluorosis.