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Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan



  • Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) was launched to provide fixed-day assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal care universally to all pregnant women (in 2nd and 3rd trimester) on the 9th of every month. 



  • While antenatal care is routinely provided to pregnant women, special ANC services are provided by OBGY specialists/ Radiologist/ Physicians at government health facilities under PMSMA.
  • As part of the campaign, a minimum package of antenatal care services are provided to pregnant women in their 2nd/ 3rd trimesters of at Government health facilities (PHCs/ CHCs, DHs/ urban health facilities etc) in both urban and rural areas.
  • Using the principles of a single window system, it is envisaged that a minimum package of investigations and medicines such as IFA and calcium supplements etc would be provided to all pregnant women attending the PMSMA clinics.
  • One of the critical components of the Abhiyan is identification and follow-up of high risk pregnancies and red stickers are added on to the Mother and Child Protection cards of women with high risk pregnancies.


Engagement with Private/ Voluntary Sector

  • Hon’ble Prime Minister of India highlighted the aim and purpose of introduction of the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan in the July31, 2016 episode of Mann Ki Baat and asked doctors to dedicate 12 days in a year to this initiative.
  • A National Portal for PMSMA and a Mobile application have been developed to facilitate the engagement of doctors from private/ voluntary sector.
  • OBGY specialists / Radiologist/ Physicians working in the private sector are encouraged to volunteer for the campaign and can register for the campaign through any of the following mechanisms:
    • Toll Free Number - Doctors can call 18001801104 to register
    • SMS- Doctors can SMS ‘PMSMA <Name> to 5616115
    • PMSMA Portal- Register
    • Register using the ‘Volunteer Registration’ Section of the Mobile Application


PMSMA ‘Nearest Facility’ Search

  • As a step towards Hon'ble Prime Minister's dream of 'Digital India', a mobile/ web based application has been designed to help pregnant women find their nearest PMSMA facility. In order to access this service, pregnant women can visit download the 'PMSMA' mobile application.


PMSMA ‘IPledgefor9’ Achievers Awards

  • PMSMA ‘I Pledge For 9’Achievers Awards‘ have been devised to celebrate individual and team achievements, identify and recognize excellence in performance in PMSMA at various levels and focus on awarding government teams and private sector doctors who have volunteered for the programme.
  • The NationalPMSMA ‘IPledgefor9’ Achievers Awards ceremony was held in June 2018. Contributions of States/ UTs were recognized through a physical award ceremony as well as through a virtual a ‘Hall of Fame’ for wide Public and social recognition of their contributions. (

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