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National ASHA Mentoring Group


The National ASHA Mentoring Group (NAMG)was constituted by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in July 2005 to serve as a technical and advisory body for the ASHA Programme and to extend support to the Centre and State Governments in overall implementation, mentoring and monitoring of the programme. 


  • 1. Provide technical guidance and inputs for policy to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on overall implementation and development of the ASHA Programme
  • 2. Identify one or few states and provide on-site mentoring through periodic supportive supervision visits.
  • 3. Meet on a bi-annual basis to share the major observations and provide assessment reports related to programme progress, challenges, innovations across different states.
  • 4. Identify constraints; provide feedback and strategic recommendations to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and state officials for appropriate interventions.
  • 5. Support in undertaking programme evaluation at regular intervals, to enable evidence based understanding of programme effectiveness and propose strategies for improved outcomes.
  • 6. Facilitate scale up of ASHA trainings through –serving as training site, supporting in identification or selection of trainers, assisting in training curriculum design and providing inputs for developing training material.
  • 7. Identify the emerging priorities and support in planning future goals to enable long term sustenance of the programme. 

The Group includes experts and practitioners in the field of Community Health representing NGOs, training and research institutions, academia and medical colleges. 

The names of Members of NAME are:

Sl. No.NameOrganisation
1. Dr.Abhay Bhang SEARCH Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
2. Mr.Alok Mukhopadhyay VHAI, New delhi
3. Ms.Indu Capoor Chetna, Ahemdabad, Gujarat
4. Ms.Nupur Basu CINI, West Bengal
5. Dr.Nerges Mistry FRCH, Mumbai
6. Dr.H.Sudarshan Karuna Trust, Banglore
7. Dr.Prashant Tripathy Ekjut, Jharkhand
8. Dr.Rajani Ved NHSRC, New Delhi
9. Dr.Amod Kant St.Stephens Hospital, New Delhi
10. Dr.Vikram Patel Sangath, Goa
11. Ms.Sulakshna Nandi PHRN, Chattisgarh
12. Ms.Alison Dembo rath Technichal Assisstance Support Team, Odisha
13. Mr.Rakhal Gaitonde SOCHARA, Tamil Nadu
14. Dr.M.R.Rajagopal Pallium India, Trivandrum
15. Director SHSRC, Chattisgarh (ex officio)


Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 1st August, 2006 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (257 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 27th November, 2007 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (277 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 16th May, 2008 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (109 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 11th February, 2009 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (81 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 6th August, 2009 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (93 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 7th April, 2010 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (74 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 14th December, 2010 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (73 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 28th July, 2011 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (427 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 16th February, 2012 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (281 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 5th March, 2013 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (450 KB)
Minutes of the Meeting of ASHA Mentoring Group held on 29th-30th October 2013 PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. (199 KB)