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Organisational responsibilities and timeframe

The entire activities during the pilot phase would need to be supported by NHM from the Union Health Ministry level for rapidity of execution, given the compressed timeframe available. Responsibilities for handling funds and ensuring activities at various levels may be allocated as follows:

National Overall facilitation by AGCA (in consultation with NHM officials). Financial responsibilities and coordination handled by AGCA secretariat along with sub-group of AGCA
State State Nodal NGO under guidance of State Mentoring team (which would include State Mission Director)
District District nodal NGO under guidance of District mentoring team (which would include District Health Officer)
Block and below Block nodal civil society organisation (in coordination with District nodal NGO)
National Secretariat on Community Action NHM

At the national level, the Advisory Group on Community Action (AGCA) has been facilitating the entire process of community action in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The Population Foundation of India is the Secretariat for the AGCA. It is proposed that a small National Secretariat be set-up in order to implement the pilot programme of community based monitoring of services under NHM. The Population Foundation of India could facilitate the entire activity as a National Secretariat based in New Delhi. The Secretariat will be undertaking special facilitation of the community monitoring process at the national level in consultation with the MOHFW and NHM Mission. The National Secretariat would function within the framework formulated by the AGCA for community based monitoring of programmes under NHM.

The National Secretariat would have the following role and responsibilities:

  • Coordinating activities of the national preparatory phase, which includes developing tools, model curriculum, workshops, awareness materials and documentation formats for the programme.
  • process documentation and review of the pilot implementation phase in consultation with AGCA members.
  • Develop a website on community based monitoring of processes and access to services under NHM
  • Manage the financial responsibility of the pilot programme
  • Prepare progress reports, field visits and the national dissemination workshops of the programme at the national level
  • Conduct quarterly review of AGCA for review of the pilot programme.


The National Secretariat would be managed by two co-ordinators for the overall programmatic and financial coordination as designed in the programme. The coordinators would report to the AGCA.


The pilot project on community based monitoring of health services under NHM will remain a GOI initiative. The fund for the pilot phase facilitation and implementation would be given by the NHM.


The Secretariat will report to the AGCA and the MOHFW. The financial expenditure statement will be submitted quarterly and the audited Utilization Certificate to be submitted to the GOI directly at the end of the financial year (i.e. 31st March) or at the end of the grant period. An annual audit report will also be submitted at the end of the financial year.

At the State level, the State Mentoring team would guide the entire process, specific financial and organisational responsibility may be taken by one of the NGO members of this team designated as State Nodal NGO.

The District level and Block level funds in the pilot phase in each state could be given to designated District nodal NGO to enable a fast start-up and adequate flexibility in the process. The District nodal NGO would collaborate with Block nodal civil society organisations for execution of activities in specific blocks. Some separate funds would also be required to support an institutional mechanism (which could be managed by facilitating NGOs) for collation, analysis and regular report preparation based on the significant amount of information that would be regularly generated from committees at various levels. This activity would be especially important at District and State levels, and on a smaller scale at the block level.

The following broad time frame is suggested for these activities:

Eleven months required for the entire pilot phase (Mar. 07 to Jan. 08)

National preparatory activities
Preparation of Models: Tools for Community Monitoring / Curriculum for Trainings / Materials for Training and Workshop / Workshop design and contents / Awareness and Promotional materials / Documentation formats including review and revision at the end of the pilot project
Mar. 07 to May 07
State preparatory phase
  • Preparatory meeting, formation of State Mentoring team
  • State level workshop
  • State level Training of Trainers (June 07)
Apr. 07 to June 07
  • District level activities
  • District level workshop (3-5 in each state)
July 07
  • Block level and below
  • Training of block facilitators
  • Formation and initial orientation of committees at Pilot Village, PHC, and Block levels
  • (3 PHCs and 15 villages in each pilot block)
July Nov. 07
  • Formation of District committees
  • This would include representation from lower level committees, hence timed later
Oct. Nov. 07
First round of Jan Samvad / Jan Sunwai in PHCs and Blocks Nov. Dec. 07
Formation of provisional State committee Dec. 07
Review activities and state level workshops Dec. 07 Jan. 08