The State PIPs spell out the strategies to be deployed, budgetary requirements and health outcomes aimed for.
The State’s PIP is made by the Executive Committee (EC) of the State Health Society and approved by the State Government/ Governing Board. The EC of the State Health Society implements the approved plan, with governance and oversight exercised by the Governing Board and the State Health Mission.
The State PIP is appraised by the National Programme Coordination Committee (NPCC), chaired by the Mission Director with representatives of MOHFW and the states participating. National technical assistance and support agencies providing support to the respective states would provide their inputs to the Mission Directorate and the NPCC. These plans would also be shared with other departments- AYUSH, AIDS Control and Health Research- as well as those dealing with Drinking Water and Sanitation, School Education and the Women and Child Department, for their inputs. Secretary, HFW who is also the Chairperson of EPC approves NPPC recommendations.
Title | Download |
ECRP-II-Approvals-State wise | |
ECRP-II Guidance for Procurment of COVID Drugs. | |
Supplementray guidance note on ECRP-II 10.08.2021 | |
Guidance Note on LMO Storage Tanks as on 03.08.2021 | |
Clarification issued vide mail dated 15.07.21 | |
Guidance Note on PIP for ECRP II as on 14.07.2021 |
Title | Download |
DO Letter on Mid-term Review meetings and submission of Supplementary PIP proposals for FY 2024- 25 and FY 2025-26 by AS & JOINT SECRETARY (Policy) | |
DO Letter on NHM Planning Process for the PIP of 2019-20 by AS & MD (NHM) | |
DO Letter on NHM Planning Process for the PIP of 2018-19 by AS & MD (NHM) | |
DO Letter on NHM Planning Process for the PIP of 2015-16 by AS & MD (NHM) | |
DO Letter on NHM Planning Process for the PIP of 2014-15 by AS & MD (NHM) | |
DO Letter on NHM Planning Process for the PIP of 2013-14 by JS(P) | |
Unspent Balance Letter |
Title | Download |
NHM PIP Guidelines 2018-19 | |
NUHM PIP Guidelines 2016-17 | |
NHM PIP Guidelines 2016-17 | |
NHM PIP Guidelines 2015-16 | |
NHM PIP Guidelines 2014-15 | |
NRHM PIP Guidelines 2013-14 | |
NUHM PIP Guidelines 2013-14 |